March 21, 2007

Wolfgang Shek

A couple weeks ago, my friend Jane had the cutest picture on her food blog of her daughter Cate helping her bake. Since I don't bake very often (and I hardly can say using a cake mix is actually baking), there hasn't been much opportunity for Tyler to actually help me. But, this week, I decided to break out the Betty Crocker Strawberry Cake box and let him help me make some cupcakes. I was surprised at how carefully he poured the mix, water, and oil into the bowl, so I let him help me crack the eggs as well. Don't tell Arthur, but I suspect that a bit of shell may have made it's way into the batter! Below are some pictures. As you can see, by the end, even Dylan was licking his lips. The poor kid just isn't old enough to take a sample. So when we were all enjoying the finished product, Dylan had to make do with his rice cereal - peas mixture.


jane maynard said...

too cute! I love the 2nd picture... so cute. baking is the easiest thing to do in the kitchen with the little ones because there are so many things they can help pour into the bowl. so fun! :)

Sarah said...

I love the picture of Tyler holding the muffin tray of pink muffins. He's a natural!

Baking with kids is so fun. Penny has just gotten old enough to want to help me make EVERYTHING so I've actually been cooking more just because it's a fun activity for her. She seems happy as long as she can Dump and Mix. Two nights ago she wanted to make cookies - by the time we got to putting the dough on the tray my only remaining rule was the slightly more of the dough had to go on the tray than went in her mouth. She seemed to agree that was reasonable.

maren bosley said...

Kerri! I'm impressed that your baking experience with Tyler seemed to go so smoothly! I've tried with my kids before and it doesn't seem to turn out so well (still having smiling faces by the end:)) I'll have to give it a try again sometime! Thanks for the inspiration!