December 28, 2007

Santa's Practical Joke

Twas the night before we left town for Christmas
And all through the house

Not a creature was stirring
Not even a mouse

The bags were packed in their suitcases with care
In hopes that to Northern Cal, we soon would be there

Tyler and Dylan were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of scooters and basketballs danced in their heads

And Arthur on the computer and me at the table
Thinking of that little babe being born in a stable

When below our feet arose such a clatter

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter

When what to our sniffling noses should appear

But a scent so repugnant, our eyes watered with te

Into a mass of tissues, my nose I did dunk
I knew in a moment it must be a skunk

Humane society, pest control, and exterminators were called

But nobody could help us - we were completely appalled!

So, away the next morning we went on the road

And hoped that the skunk would depart our abode

But, our home was too nice for a skunk to leave

So a trap was purchased to give our noses reprieve

When we woke in the morning, we had caught that nasty guy

He was stinky, but happy, and almost quite a cutie pie

But, away with you black and white mammal
Dash away, Dash away, Dash away all!

Our friends and family won't come to visit with such a fright

We just wanted a Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!


Rachel said...

Very clever poem! And I am glad you got that thing in a trap. What a Christmas to remember

holly said...

Gross. We have terrible skunk problems over here. Antymite does free live trapping for us though...the last time they caught 1 racoon, 2 skunks, and 3 opossums. Hmmm. That sounds like another Christmas carol that I know. :)

Megan said...

wow - crazy. We had a racoon and her three babies in our chimney last year and also had no help from the authorities. had to pay to have traps set, etc. It was gross, but I guess at least they didn't stink like a skunk!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Is a Christmas skunk the grown-up equivalent of getting coal in your stocking? :)