July 7, 2008

Book Worm

It has been a busy summer and I have lots to post. Hopefully I will get motivated and get all the pictures together. In the meantime, I have to brag a little about Tyler. Since his preschool is out for the summer, he has been working really hard on a new skill. Although, he has quite a bit of work to go, I never thought he would pick it up so quickly.

I love you, buddy! I am so proud of you!


jordan said...

WOW. that is amazing, and so cute!

Megan said...

wow!! isn't he only 3? yikes, I was thinking I would just skip preschool this year and wait until next year, but if kids are learning to read when they are 3 than I better get moving! that was really adorable!

Angela said...

so cute! i loved the video.

The Waldrams said...

That is so great! Only bummer is that pretty soon you aren't going to be able to spell things in front of him in order for him not to know what you are talking about. Great job Tyler!

Tisha said...

that is soooo awesome! he must feel so confident and proud of himself!! (he should!!) and it must be so fun to watch your kid learn to read! way to go tyler!