July 15, 2008

Summer Field Trip - Getty Center

A group of us with kids have organized summer field trips to keep us busy during the summer. Each week, we have been visiting fun places throughout town. I have quite a few to catch up on, and hope to get all those posted quickly.

Back at the end of June was our first activity. We went to the Getty Center, which is this gorgeous museum that sits on top of a hill on the west side of town. The views are spectacular and they have some fun activities for the kids.

Even LA traffic wasn't going to keep us from having a good time!

Dylan and Tyler enjoying some of the travertine blocks that were shipped all the way from a quarry in Italy (there are actually fossils in the travertine)
Tyler, Nathan, Bennet, Sarah, and Natalie modeling their hand-made masks
Riding the tram - probably one of the favorite parts of the museum
We can't forget the cute stroller kids on the tram!

If you are in need of a few more pictures from the Getty, check here and here for pictures from a prior visit.