August 31, 2009

Dylan's B-day

Dylan is 3! Wow, my little guy is growing up so fast!

Dylan, you are becoming a little man! This year, you have learned so much. You speak so well now. Everyone is so surprised to hear such a deep voice come out of such an adorable little guy. You are quiet when Ty is around, but can't stop talking when he is in school. You are learning your alphabet and are starting to trace letters by yourself. You have a huge love for books. So many times, I go to check to make sure you are asleep, only to find you sitting on your bed with 4-5 books sprawled around you!

You amaze me all the time with your long-term memory. Yesterday, you remembered a part of a book that we had not read in close to 4 months. Today, as we passed the middle school, you remembered a time 6 months ago when we picked someone up from there.

You have started preschool and are meeting new people. You love your teachers at school and at church. You are learning to put your shoes on by yourself. You love your brothers and are a great example. You have no problem sharing and waiting your turn. You love snuggling with me and watching Avatar with Daddy.

For your birthday, you got legos, transformers, and bakugan. At your request, we went out for pizza and had cupcakes for dessert.

I love you buddy!


1st Birthday
2nd Birthday
3rd Birthday


maren bosley said...

Kerri, that last picture is just the cutest thing ever! All of your boys are so handsome. I love Dylan's request to take his picture by the water-cooler. Classic!
Love the updates!