August 24, 2007

Graduation Day

We made it! We have never studied so hard, lost as much sleep, been so frustrated, cried as many tears, laughed so hard, learned so much, or been so in love as we have in the past 3 years. But, all of our efforts have not been in vain. Today is our graduation from the Terrible Two's.

Happy Birthday, Tyler! You are 3 years old and we have 3 wonderful years of memories. Our lives would not be nearly as interesting and dynamic without you. Thank you for bringing your zest and enthusiasm to our family. We love you!

Here are some pictures from each of your 4 Birthdays:


Amber said...

Yay!!! Happy Birthday Tyler. Three is a great age.

Sarah said...

I can never get over just how drop dead handsome this kid is! I love that last photo - great composition :)

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Congratulations, Mom!

You too, Tyler. :)

maren bosley said...

Congratulations! Isn't amazing how quickly time flies. I know that sounds SO cliche, but it's true!