September 28, 2007

Baby Steps

I am not proud that my 13 month old knows what Cheetos are, but sometimes when the moment is right and the camera is on, you have to use whatever you can to motivate your kids.


The Waldrams said...

Yea! Dylan is taking steps! Hey-I would start walking if you put a Cheeto in front of my face!

Amanda said...

"Must...get...Cheeto!" I love his determination!

Sometimes you just have to bribe your kids!

Angela said...

That was awesome! I love Dylan - he is too cute.

Megan said...

those first steps are adorable! I love it!

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Joy's weakness is cell phones. She once slobbered so much on Phillip's the the microphone shorted out for a few days. The volume button still doesn't work.

Sarah said...

I love that look of determination on his face! Who knew our chubby Dylan would ever be able to actually WALK! It gives me hope for my Charlotte :)

holly said...

Love it. Julie's motivation is also a cell phone. I can use it to get her do just about anything.

CoCo said...

I just laughed had to laugh at the "heavy breathing". I usually hear that from myself when I take the stairs at work. Glad to know I.N.A. (I'm not alone).

Tisha said...

I love this!! so hillarious- his intense focus going from the straw to the cheeto