September 18, 2007

Girl's Night Out

My friend, Tisha, and her family have decided to leave the great state of California and move all the way across the country to North Carolina. Is this a good decision? For them, yes, I think so. For the rest of us living in South Pasadena, absolutely not. Everyone has enjoyed Tisha's ability to organize monthly Girl's Night Outs, weekly playgroup, family activities and so many other fun things. It was decided that not one, but 3 people will have to take over her responsibilities now that she is abandoning us.

In her honor, we had a special Girl's Night Out last week to bid farewell. These nights are crucial to all of us who spend most of our time saying things like, "No, you cannot shove a pencil in his ear!" or "If you finish all of your broccoli, we will let you watch Thomas after dinner!". I am not sure about anyone else, but being able to have an entire conversation without interruption is almost therapeutic. I walked away from the restaurant thinking I had probably had more interesting and entertaining conversations in that one night than in the entire month combined. I apologize to anyone who may have felt that I talked a bit too much. I blame it on the fact that I was not able to attend last month's GNO, so I think I had gone through adult conversation withdrawal. I only hope that we continue this tradition now that Tisha has moved. Otherwise I fear I will be doomed to become that person you dread to encounter in a stinky bathroom because you know you will be trapped listening to stories about dust mites or laundry. Thank you, Tisha, for all the fun! We are going to miss you more than you can imagine!

Here are some pictures from our fun night at BJ's :


Amber said...

Girls night out AND BJ's. What more could a person ask for??? I hope you enjoyed a delicious pizzookie???

The Waldrams said...

I'm glad that you posted your pictures since I didn't have my camera out for the group one! We'll have to do it again soon!

Debbie said...

I am so glad you posted these! I love going out all girls! I really hope we still do those every once in a while :)

Sarah said...

I'm so sad I missed this one! And I certainly am already missing our dear Tisha :(

Tisha said...

thanks kerri! such cute pics! I'm missing you guys so much too! where are my great girlfriends!! love you guys!!